October 2023
AH Scan your recipe
Ahold Delhaize NV

In the whirlwind of modern life, we often find ourselves juggling numerous tasks, with meal planning being a persistent challenge. But what if I told you that there's a way to streamline this process, making cooking easier, faster, and smarter? Enter "AH Scan je Recept," a project that has not only simplified your grocery shopping but has also undergone an intriguing transformation to ensure a seamless user experience.

A Recipe for Convenience

"AH Scan je Recept" is your culinary ally, designed to simplify meal planning like never before. Thanks to the UX enhancements brought to life by Dirk de Vries Design, you can now effortlessly scan cookbook ingredients and receive instant Albert Heijn product suggestions. Say goodbye to delays and hello to cooking made convenient.

The Challenge of Loading Time

In the world of web design, one of the most critical elements is loading time. In the early stages, the loading time of ChatGPT was approximately 20 seconds—a potential pitfall that could deter even the most patient users. We understood that in the digital age, seconds matter, and user interest can wane quickly.

Innovating the Userflow

To tackle this challenge head-on, we reimagined the userflow. As the recipe loaded, users were given the option to specify how many people they were cooking for. This clever twist not only engaged users during the loading process but also gave the impression of a shorter wait time. Users were delighted with quicker results.

The Art of the Fake Loading Screen

Additionally, we introduced a touch of magic—a fake loading screen that would progress to 75% within just 5 seconds, all while quietly checking if the recipe was ready. Then, it seamlessly jumped to 100%. Users had no idea what was transpiring behind the scenes. The result? A perceived sense of value, as users felt that a substantial amount of work had gone into their experience (which, in truth, it had).

Adding Value to the Recipe

These innovations weren't just about speed; they also added value to the recipe itself. Users felt catered to, with an enhanced user experience that not only met but exceeded their expectations. It wasn't just about groceries; it was about making cooking an enjoyable journey.

Conclusion: Cooking, Elevated

In conclusion, "AH Scan je Recept" is more than just a tool; it's a culinary companion that streamlines meal planning. It's a testament to the power of user-centric design and innovative thinking. In a world where every second counts, we've harnessed technology to make cooking easier, faster, and smarter.

So, the next time you embark on a culinary adventure, remember that "AH Scan je Recept" is here to simplify your journey. Cooking has never been this convenient, and it's all thanks to the magic of innovation in UX design.

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